Last night's episode was an enjoyable little character-driven amuse bouche before the countdown to the fireworks of the upcoming season ender. We loved it, especially since a Miles-centric episode has been a long time coming. Of all the late arrivals to the cast of Lost, Miles has always been our favorite, probably because ever since con man Sawyer warped into responsible LaFleur, the show has been sorely lacking in smart-assery.
And we got some primo sm

Looks like we can add Miles to the long list of characters (almost all of them, really) on this show with daddy issues. Still, we think ol' Dr. Chang may be the least offensive daddy of the bunch. Miles' mother made it sound like he basically kicked them off the island and we suspect that someone, either Daniel or Miles himself, tipped him off that a purge was coming and he did so to save their lives.
But it wasn't all just character bits last night. The plot is progressing nicely and we were happy to see that the repercussions of Kate's decision to hand Ben over to Richard weren't given short shrift. The tension is mounting and no line summed that up better than Juliet's typically understated "Well, here we go." Thank God Sawyer verbalized how stupid a move it was for Kate to be drawing attention to herself by speaking to Roger about his missing son. We're glad SOMEONE mentioned it. Jack may have thought her heart was in the right place but he didn't exactly demonstrate smart thinking by injecting himself into the drama either. Things are quickly coming to a head and we have no idea what's going to happen now that Sawyer and Juliet have a knocked-out, tied-up Phil stashed in their cabana.

And YAY! Daniel's back and he doesn't appear to be crazy anymore! What he's been doing for the last 3 years is a mystery. Has he spent the entire time in Ann Arbor, the Ground Zero of the DHARMA Initiative? Has he met the mysterious DeGroots, the driving force and benefactors of the DI? Are WE ever going to meet them?
It was also fun to see Naomi again. She was a relatively short-lived character but the actress who plays her is so charismatic that we always sit up a little straighter when she makes an appearance because we know we're going to be treated to some answers. Looks to us like Widmore really was the one behind the fake Oceanic plane found in the ocean. Of course we always thought so, but there was still some doubt since Widmore claimed it was Ben who did it. We also know why Miles asked for the specific sum of 3.2 million dollars from Ben to keep him from the freighter folk: it was exactly double what Widmore was paying him.

[Photos: ABC.com]
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