It almost seems a little unfair to put her side by side with the model shot because the model looks so much better in it. It's a hot dress but the color's not so great on a bottle blonde and while she's got a perfect little body on her, it's not the body for such a tight little dress.

Lorenzo thinks this dress is a little formal for the event but Tom thinks it's mitigated by the fact that it's so short. Plus, she managed to almost ruin it by pairing it with bad jewelry and shoe choices. That necklace looks like it came from the Wilma Flintstone Collection.

Oh Cammie. We're of two minds here. On the one hand, we seriously applaud your tendency to dress a little older lately and we do love this dress. It's gorgeous and eye-catching and fits you like a glove. But we think in your desire to dress your age you're actually dressing past your age. This is a dress for an actress 5 to 10 years older than you. Don't be in such a rush to be relegated to the Mom roles. Also, dress shields. Look into them.

Very cute and stylish. Nice to see someone do something more than just tight, short and shiny. It's all those things, but with a touch of class.

Ugh. Smile, bitch. You're young, thin and rich. We like the dress and we can understand not wanting to have your tits hanging out, but a wife-beater is not a solution.

What a super-cute, slightly retro dress! Good shoe choice too.

Megan Fox in Yves Saint Laurent Resort 2010

She looks cute and she's dressing her age without looking slutty. Can't ask for more than that.

Geez, we were uncharacteristically kind today.
[Photos: WireImage/Style.com/NeimanMarcus.com]
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