Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

Project Runway's Most Dramatic Moments, S2, Part 1

Season 2, Bitches! Hit it!

1) Little Lamb Meltdown-Gate

It's what always happens with reality shows post-inaugural season. The participants become all too aware of the cameras and the drama becomes slightly more contrived. Gone are the days when Wendy and Kara Saun would bare their ids for the world to see, caring not for how they looked or came across. Instead, we get crocodile tears and literal "boo-hoo"ing.

Long story short: In the second episode of the new season, the designers had to literally make something out of the clothes off their backs. Andrae, due almost entirely to his inability to adjust to the insane deadlines of Project Runway, sent an unfinished dress down the runway and tried to cover for it by acting like a silent film star in a weepy melodrama.

"What were you thinking about this challenge?"

"Where to begin? The first thing said to us at the party was blah blah blah...[Insert British accent here] how far you would go for fashion...blah blah blah...and it's not an easy thing to do. I've come a long way, I've gone far to be here blah blah blah..."

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry...and the means to do it was creativity and innovation which are things that I do well, I think I'm very creative and I think I'm very innovative as well, and I was very lucky because what I had to work with was a testimony of the first or maybe the last three years of my career."

"I was bedraggled emotionally so were my clothes. I'm not supposed to be crying, Jesus!"

Jesus Christ, he actually described himself as "bedraggled." What's next? Ragamuffin? And no, little lamb. You're not supposed to be crying. We always felt that this little show was just that - a show. Tim said as much at the time too. Granted, we don't think it was entirely a put on. That would require a Best Actress Nominee level of acting talent. It seems to us that he probably was pretty emotionally raw but turned the dials up to 11 because he felt trapped and didn't know what else to do.

There were two things that raised this to the level of delicious drama instead of eye-rollingly bad drama. One, the "I'm So LA" t-shirt, which could NOT have been more apropos, and two:

You just can't buy that kind of entertainment, kittens.

2) Lingerie-Gate

Ladies and ...Ladies, we have quite the championship bout for you this evening, with two fighters ready to tear a piece off each other! In this corner, wearing a sparkly Members Only jacket, that gigantic attention-seeking designer...


And in this corner, wearing her patented chunky jewelry and JBF hair, that take-no-shit fashion editor who WASN'T portrayed by Meryl Streep...


To offer assistance to our combatants, we have ...

two terrified designers...

and three mortified models!

Honestly, do we really need to give you a rundown on this one? Is there a fan of Project Runway who DOESN'T know the particulars of this little throwdown?

If you polled PR fans to name the top 3 most entertaining moments in the history of the show, we're confident that this one would make almost everyone's list. Sure, it was as calculated as Andrae's little meltdown, but because Santino is Santino and because Nina is Nina, this was far, FAR more entertaining. All we can think re-watching this is that the producers must have been peeing their pants with joy while the whole thing unwound in front of them. Pure reality television gold.

PLUS, it allowed Nina to deliver the line that pretty much defines her entire tenure on the show:


It was generally thought that Santino was being terribly disrespectful to her but honestly, we don't think so anymore.

Re-watching it, we can see that BOTH of them were really enjoying the back and forth on this one and both of them respected the other for their willingness to fight it out.

Even if...

...neither of them would ever admit it.

We can just picture the two of them sharing a cigarette in the post-drama glow.


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