Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Yea or Nay: Meggings

We're throwing this one out to you, our loyal minions.

You see, there is disagreement Chez T Lo regarding the potential trend known as "meggings," i.e., leggings for men:

We say "potential" trend because these things are only seen on runways and the occasional fashionisto, but so far, haven't trickled down to the masses. Lorenzo thinks they're hot; Tom thinks Lorenzo is crazy. Lorenzo says, "Lighten up, you boring old traditionalist," and Tom responds, "Have some dignity, you trend-chaser." Then we throw our drinks in each other's face.

What say you, minions? Yay or Nay?

Source: The Latest in Silly Man Trends: Meggings [The Cut]

[Photos: NYMag.com]

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