Ah, awards season, where the true acting skill can be found in all those stars trying to keep their naked ambition off their face.
Diane Kruger
Donna Karan Spring 2010 CollectionYawning here. It looks like a used kleenex.
Emily Blunt
Georges Chakra Fall 2009 Couture [Diego Dolcini shoes]

Very sparkly and movie star. The only problem are those shoes, which, while pretty fab, are far too busy for that dress. Your eyes automatically go down to them.
Julianne Moore
Lanvin Spring 2010 Collection

See, that's the problem with dresses that have these ambitious architectural details to them. They're fine for a 4-minute walk down a runway but wearing them in real life is another thing. What does one do when one's flounces look sad and depressed? On the other hand, her hair looks great and she's rocking a great pair of legs.
Marion Cotillard
Christian Dior Spring 2010 Collection

This dress says "My vagina is magic!" And who are we to disagree?
Sandra Bullock
Alberta Ferretti dress/Casadei ShoesWe're sorry, but that first pic made us laugh out loud. It's getting to the point where we almost wish she'd just show up in her ratty jeans and a pair of work boots since she's so obviously uncomfortable dressing up. Still, when you look at her facial expression and body language and you realize just how uncomfortable she really is, you kind of have to give it to her for continuing to show up in a dress and heels at all, especially since, for all her discomfort, she usually shows up in fairly decent outfits. It's like she has a gay who picks out her clothes for her but never shows her how to stand, pose, and walk in them. And honey? That's a gay who's not doing his damn job.
Zoe Saldana
Jason Wu Spring 2010 Collection [Christian Louboutin shoes]She's the new queen of the red carpet and this look serves as a perfect counterpoint to Sandy Bullock's "stevedore's daughter" posing style. She's so girly and flirty and cute in this look that we almost want to slap a couple of wings on her and call her Tinkerbell.
[Photos: WireImage/Style.com]
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