Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Boys on the Bottom

Kittens, we WILL NOT STAND another season of disappointing gays. We're hoping this will be the last time we're forced to use another variation of "bottom" and "boys" in the post title.

We think Lifetime is really missing out on a merchandising opportunity by not offering Jesus dolls. Come on! Don't you just wanna prop him up on a pillow somewhere and make little outfits for him?

Model: Brittany Oldehoff

Unfortunately, cute as he is, he may not be here much longer if he sends more efforts like this down the runway.

Darlings, the word to keep in mind here is "instincts," as in:

Not having them.

Let's start with the fabric choice. Right there, you've got to question the instincts. While this might have been used to make a great jacket OR a great skirt OR a great pair of pants, to look at this and think of making an entire dress out of it...well. Those are some questionable instincts.

And to think you can go from a mini-dress to a gown just by adding some extra yardage...well. That too is a questionable instinct.

And finally, to not stop anywhere during this process and step back and say to yourself, "Shit. I just made a shoe," well.

You know the rest.

The actual design of the dress is fine. Had it been rendered in a more appropriate fabric, he probably would have skated through without comment.

And he even has decent technical skills.

But the fact of the matter is, there is, in the immortal phrasing of SeƱorita Garcia, "a taste issue." And the bad news for Jesus is, once the judges decide you have a taste issue, it's virtually impossible to convince them otherwise.

Darlings, it is a little-known phenomenon that young southern black queens sound almost exactly like old southern black church ladies. All Anthony needs is a fan and a little hat with some netting and he could be Oprah Winfrey in The Color Purple.

But Miss Sophia, we're here to tell you...

Model: Alison Gingerich

Child, you made a mess.

That is just too much dress for that fabric.

This is an instance where someone shouldn't have listened to Tim because we thought he was heading in a better direction by introducing a complementary fabric to break up the heavy floral-ness of that pattern. Granted, we didn't like the direction he was going in with it, but discouraging him from using it at all sent him on a path that was not much better than the one he was on.

Miss Sophia's going to need to learn some editing skills in order to stay in the game. It seems to us like he wanted to throw every trick he had at this one dress.

The result was that none of his tricks were particularly well done. The fit on the butt was terrible and the hem was a mess.

Plus, the bust was a nightmare...

And that thing on the hip just took it past the point of no return.

But, if he'd toned down some of the elements and did them cleanly, and if he'd stuck with his instincts and used other fabrics, he could have had a truly interesting and pretty dress. There's potential there and we think the judges can recognize a designer who just might blossom with a little hand-holding.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

[Photos/Videos: - Screencaps:]

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