Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

Class Abercrombie & Fitch Fashion Picks.


Okay, so we've all done it. Online window shopping, well we are all victims of it!
And you just can't help but look on the expensive sites on things you can't buy or when you have no money you still look and lust over the beautiful clothes!
I quite like Abercrombie & Fitch and i thought i'd share my favourite fashion picks from their site with you all! Enjoy!

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Vintage Lightweight scarf, £58
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Sadie Denim Shorts, £50
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Felicity Classic Fleece in Blue, £60
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Trisha Floral Dress, £78.
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Jordan Classic Shirt, £68
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Elise Fringed Waistcoat, £160

Hope you all have wonderful weekends! As if we are two weeks into 2010!

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