When we shooted photos for Fanni's Nails catalogue, another photographer student also took some photos of us for her school project, a p...
Jumat, 29 Januari 2010
The challenge? Well, it was another "make a pretty dress" challenge unfortunately. But NEW TWIST ADDED. This time, they have to make a pretty dress AND an ugly dress! Or something. It got confusing.
Yes! "Create a high end signature look" but ALSO, create a low end, piece of shit look! Never before in the history of Project Runway blahblahblah!
Honestly, the challenge didn't bother us. It was one of the weirdest twists they've ever sprung on the designers, but hey, anything that causes those little fame whores some stress is entertainment gold as far as we're concerned. We hope they set their work tables on fire next week.
And besides we got all this weirdly sociopathic "Is she gonna backstab me? I'm gonna backstab her" drama from Jonathan, which unfortunately amounted to nothing because why would you throw your team leader under the bus if it looks like the judges like the work?
Still. We've got our eye on you, missy. You were so ready to go straight to fucking over your team mate that we think we might love you a little.
And what made it so delicious is that she was completely unaware. Had he actually gone through with it, she would have been shocked.
But enough almost-drama.
Model: Lorena Angjeli
The outcry was long and loud in T Lounge last night over this win. We have to say, we probably wouldn't have given the win to this look, but we're okay with it, for the most part.
It's unique and boldy graphic and editorial and that goes a long way with those judges. Remember, we were all sick of the "I would totally wear that" judging of last season. Well, this is what you get when you have Nina on the judging panel: things that will look great photographed in a magazine.
Plus, they loved that she didn't do a dress and frankly, so did we. Any time someone executes a garment well on this show and that garment is not a dress deserves at least some props.
And it wasn't just executed well, it was executed flawlessly.
Two things we wish they hadn't done: the racing stripe on the pants, which made the whole thing look like a high end workout suit, and the sparkly black top, because a pop of mod color would have gone a long way here.
As for the bizarre, "make a shitty version of someone else's dress" part of the challenge...
Models: Kristina Sajko/Monique Darton
In fact, this would be the one reason to question their win, as far as we're concerned. The judges clearly didn't like this look, so how is it they won, when the other top team sent out two looks that the judges loved? Mysterious.
It's such a literal, unimaginative reinterpretation, right down to the sad little "feather."
It's a cute silhouette, but we loved hearing the judges bitch about it being a babydoll dress, since for a couple of seasons there, the PR runway was where babydoll dresses go to die.
That belt is sad.
We kind of wonder what was going on in Mila's living room last night when it was revealed that her team mate was ready to shiv her in the cafeteria. We suspect a lot of "Oh, you know I love you/I was tired/it was the editing/I didn't really mean it" texting was flying back and forth. But Jonathan, you better run, because Mila scares us a little.
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