When we shooted photos for Fanni's Nails catalogue, another photographer student also took some photos of us for her school project, a p...
Jumat, 22 Januari 2010
Respect my creativiteh!
Oh god, what a welcome sight it was to see Tim Gunn knee deep in animal shit.
No offense, Uncle Tim, but after a full season of "Here's some pretty fabric! Make something pretty out of it!" we were over the moon at the prospect of seeing some old school PR forced creativity in the Gristedes and car parts mode.
And can we just say that, so far, Bunim/Murray is doing a really good job of staging and shooting the show? That stuff matters more than the average viewer realizes and in these first two episodes of Season 7, we're seeing more energy and style in the way the show is presented than we ever saw in all of S6, which as far as we're concerned should be labeled "The Season The Weinsteins Almost Completely Fucked the Show Over."
Model: Kasey Ashcroft
So congratulations, Jay! We don't know if you go by Jay or Jay Nicholas, but it's easier to type the former even though in conversation we invariably refer to you by the latter.
We get a kick out of the fact that he comes off all focused and serious and speak-from-the-chest and then when he gets tired or lets his guard down he girls it up in a big girly way. Stealth queen.
So...this dress.
We're okay with it being in the Top 3. It's where we would have put it if we were in charge. We would not, however, have given it the win. There was another more deserving dress on the runway. Still, that's for later. Let's talk about this dress.
We weren't as impressed as the judges over the skirt treatment until we saw the pictures this morning. It didn't really show up on our TV screen, but the way he frayed the burlap and worked the trim in really is quite beautiful and unique.
Where we part ways with the judges is the bodice on this thing. Sure, we get that he was going for a rough, kind of deconstructed feel with the frayed edges and such...
But the bottom of this dress has a very polished and finished feel to it despite all the fraying, and the top just looks unfinished and incomplete to us.
Still, it really is a great-looking frock. We might not have awarded it the win, but we have no real problem with it since it was such a strong look.
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