Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

♡recent purchases and about contacts⌒♡+゚

last weekend i went to Seinäjoki with my mom because i needed shoes for upcoming prom. i just bought basic black heels. i needed ones that really stay in my foots while dancing~ and which don't hurt my feets so much.

i did some other purchases from sales too.

zipper leggins !(〃^∇^)o

so cute bra!゚(〃∇〃) i don't usually take photos of my underwear for my blog but this is so sweet and cute so i just had to take now haha~ btw i love byuing underwear!! i have big collection of underwear.. wanna see XD? okay noooo~ i'm not gonna blog about my underwear haha.
ehehe i again ordered from Yumetenbo (人-ω-`) blame my sister! she ordered from there something for herself so i used the chance to get less shipping costs 8'D

my reader requested me to show picture of me without contact lenses and show how the contacts look in western light eye.

here i have Honey Wing lense in my other eye - other eye without lense. my natural eyes are green as you see. i think circle lenses can be used in western eyes too~ (sorry for looking so horrible 'cause of flash light.. and oops it seems i forgot to make up my eyebrows~( ̄∀ ̄*) )

when light comes to your eye, your natural eye colour might show a bit, like here in my picture. but i don't think it looks so bad (^^)

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