We went back and forth on this one and finally decided to post what we think, reactions be damned. Susan Boyle, the little singer who could,...
Rabu, 27 Januari 2010
Seth, Maya, Boo Boo Kitty
Keep it moving, people.
We still think Seth's high up on the ones to watch list...
Model: Kristina Sajko
But this dress was not without its problems, even though we liked it.
Correction: we like parts of it. That's the thing we noticed this week. With this dress and the one he did last week (which we loved), we can see there's a tendency to put a LOT of elements on one garment. Sometimes they work together and sometimes they don't.
The one thing we really love about this piece is the hood, especially the way it attached to the bodice.
We could have done without the grommets, though.
And we could have done without those weird buckle-y things on the back.
Oh, and he kinda went overboard on the piping.
And really, the silhouette's a bit much. Despite all that, it's a pretty eye-catching look. For us, it's all about that hood. Had he married that to a slightly more toned down garment, it couldabin a contender.
We'll be honest. Maya frightens us a little. It's the hair and the eyebrows and all the...intensity, y'know? She looks like a femme fatale in a film noir. You couple that with ready access to sharp instruments, a high-stress situation, and her tendency to be really, really quiet and it leaves us waiting for a middle-of-the-night scene with an overturned lamp and her standing there with a smoking gun in her gloved hand while Tim bursts into the room in a fedora and says "My god, Maya. What have you done, you cold-hearted minx?!"
Okay, maybe that's just us. On the other hand...
Model: Monique Darton
My god, Maya. What have you done?
To her credit, she seemed to recognize that she had a little bit of ass walking down that runway.
She seems better than this and if we had to guess, we'd say she got too caught up in the various techniques she was using and didn't step back to look at the whole effect until it was too late.
We'll give her credit for her color choices, but the overall effect makes her look a little like a pinata.
Boo Boo Kitty, you have set the new world record and now we expect you to cry several times each episode. You have let us down. Please treat us to more talking-while-weeping funny faces in the coming episodes.
Model: Valeria Leonova
Because when you don't cry, you make dresses that basically look like crying jags in dress form. Seriously, that dress is depressing.
And we don't mean to single her out because so many other designers are doing them, but we're almost ready to declare a moratorium on sweetheart necklines for the rest of the season. Enough, people. Show us your nuts and make a frigging sleeve every now and then.
This is a design that might have worked in a fabric other than burlap and in colors other than these, but even then we're not sure. The skirt's a little too poofy in the wrong places.
And let's face it, that bustier is too small and too sad looking. And the way she trimmed it makes it look a little Wonder Woman.
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