001. My real name is Silja Sofia.
002. I’m 2nd year student on senior high school.
003. I live in Jalasjärvi which is in the middle of nowhere. There’s no railway station, no local buses, no clothing stores.
004. So when I’m here I’m just at home on computer or at school.
005. I visit Helsinki, over 300 kilometres from here, at least every second weekend because my boyfriend and friends live there.
006. I met my boyfriend online.
007. I’m, as others may say, swot. I always try to get the best possible grades at school at everything.
008. I have younger brother and sister and our names start with letter S.
009. I think I’m maybe too addicted to shopping and getting new clothes and stuff.
010. I want to have own clothing store where I sell clothes from Asia.
011. That’s why I think I’ll study business after senior high school.
012. I’m very shy.
013. Because before I was bullied at school so I still think when I meet new people that they don’t like me.
014. I inted to do a nosejob when I’m adult because I really hate my nose.
015. I watch almost every day photos of noses and think what I want my nose to be.
016. Always after watching the photos I look at the mirror and feel more depressed.
017. I really wish that someday I would be pleased with my nose.
018. I also might get my lips done.
019. I want to travel to everywhere.
020. I think that a wise person is who has travelled a lot and seen a world.
021. I’m very anti-rasistic.
022. I want a systems camera so badly.
023. I don’t use circle lenses just for looks but also because I have really bad eyesight.
024. I spend too much time on computer everyday.
025. That’s why my back and neck are always jammed.
026. I don’t know anymore to what religion I belong to. I belong to Lutheran church but I do Buddhist rituals.
027. Because my boyfriend’s family is Buddhist so I do those rituals with them and I’m quite interested in them.
028. I can’t wait for our Stockholm’s trip.
029. I have always wanted to have the best friend forever but somehow my best friendships don’t last long, don’t know why.
030. Of course I have friends but I have never had the BFF.
031. I hardly ever have make up at school.
032. I take all my photos for my blog with my cellphone and that sucks.
033. I never swear expect if I’m very very angry.
034. I hate hair extensios but still I use them.
035. My history teacher always bullies me.
036. When I was younger I snowboarded.
037. I have also went in for riding.
038. In the whole world there’s just a one person I hate and just one person I don’t like.
039. I don’t like when people complain about everything.
040. I’m acrophobe.
041. I bite my own nails. I’ve done it as long as I can remember.
042. I have 10 (the best possible grade) at art.
043. I have 10 also in geography.
044. I’m going to move to Helsinki after a one year.
045. I have already thought about interior of my own department there.
046. My grade point average is 9.
047. I hate reading books even my mother is the boss of civic library.
048. Now I have to read Gogol’s Dead Souls for school and I’m screwed.
049. I love to pinch spots and I’m very good at it.
050. Even very small spots and blocked pores bother me a lot.
051. When I was a child my favourite food was chicken and rice and my favourite movie was Mulan. Already then I liked Asian things.
052. I’m afraid of darkness and everything supernatural.
053. In my opinion the most beautiful person in the world is Song Hye Kyo.
054. Stupid people pisses me off. Person who are really stupid like, for example, just after saying the answer they ask after a while ‘what was the answer?’.
055. I can’t sleep if I don’t call my boyfriend before I go to sleep.
056. Besides nails my boyfriend has studied make up and hair.
057. I’m 158 cm.
058. My shoe size is about 35 and that’s why I don’t usually find heels from Finland. Other shoes that don’t have to be so tight I can buy on size 36.
059. I have a birthmark on my left cheek.
060. I love very high heels.
061. Nowadays I’m interested in couture.
062. I want to learn Chinese and Korean.
064. I can speak Finnish, English, Swedish and Vietnamese.
065. I hate it when someone coughs or sneezes without covering his mouth.
066. I hardly ever drink alcohol but maybe it’s just because I’m still minor.
067. I’ve never tried smoking and never will.
068. I’m lazy at cleaning my room, it’s always so messy and clothes are all around the floor.
069. My all clothes don’t fit to my closet, but it’s just because my closet is too small..
070. I love to drink tea, it feels so relaxing.
071. I become very pissed off if the food I’m making doesn’t succeed.
072. I love dancing so much and I know many Korean chereographies.
073. I wish that someday I was famous because of dancing.
074. I love to buy cute and sexy underwear. Although nobody sees them expect my boyfriend but I think that reason is good enough.
075. I always want to be part of everything.
076. I don’t know how to use photo editing programmes.
077. I have been in Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Crete.
078. I always buy junior ticket on bus or subway and I don’t even remember that junior ticket isn’t suitable for me anymore.
079. I never unravel my suitcase before the day before I’m going to somewhere.
080. When I changed from advanced mathematics to basic math my grade 5 turned into 9.
081. Inventing 100 things about me isn’t so hard as I thought first.
082. I can’t sing at all, my voice is horrible.
083. I have had a leading role in our school’s play. I played a inventor elf of Santa Claus.
084. I wish I was Asian, not because their looks, but because then I knew the culture better and the relationship with my boyfriend and specially with his family would have been easier.
085. I can tell you that Western and Asian cultures are sooo different from each others.
086. I hate rock and heavy music.
087. Dresses are my favourite pieces of clothing,
088. I bicycle to school almost everyday every time of the year.
089. I would like to have a butterfly tattoo on my back and Chanel tattoo on my ankle but I’m still not sure if I really want a tattoo.
090. I become always sad when I get rude comment on my blog.
091. I just don’t see the point of leaving rude comments to other people’s blogs. I would never comment something rude to others even if I didn’t like their looks etc. There’s no use telling it to them.
092. At home I sleep with a teddy bear which has same name as my boyfriend.
093. I would never dye my hair platinum blonde.
094. At the moment I want to dye my hair with darker brown.
095. It annoys me when someone is talking all the time ‘japan this and japan that’.
096. I hardly ever watch TV. Only Next Top Model series.
097. I think that red hair is horrible and very unnatural looking.
098. I don’t drink coffee, it tastes so bad.
099. I sent 13 job applications for the next summer but I still didn’t get a job.
100. So next summer I’ll be reading for matriculation exams. It sucks.
Points to who read it all. Sorry if there was some mistakes in writing but I'm now just too lazy to read it all again.
Good night!
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