Jumat, 16 April 2010

♡hard to decide⌒♡+゚

At the moment there's few things that are hard to me to decide. First, things about my blog. Last night I thought about my blog and suddenly I felt like name "sweetheart ❤ fashion" could be better than sweetheart style. So I changed it again, sorry for this changing all the time! I will keep this now. But now I have problem. URL for sweetheartfashion is already taken. Should I keep my current url even though I don't like it at all or.. I thought I might change it to sweetheartzhizhi.blogspot.com. Would that be good? Thank you anonymous person about the idea! My new url will probably be sweetheartf.blogspot.com ! Isn't that good? By the way, the name is pronounced as 'sweetheart fashion', not 'sweetheart loves fashion' althought there's a heart between the words. It's just for a cute decoration!

And about the language in my blog, most of you answered that I should stay in English, so I decided that for the time being I continue writing in English. It's kinda funny that those are Finnish people that complained me about my bad English but those, who have English as their native language, say that my English is okay. From this on, I'll try to be more careful when I'm writing and won't write quickly when I'm tired. I've to read my entries again after writing them. But you some people shouldn't be so pettifoggers! I mean that of course everyone makes mistakes so you should understand it. I believe that most of Finns are neither perfect in English. Althought I admitted I did really those ridiculous mistakes and already explained why. There's no need to be so rude even if I made mistakes.

Second thing which is hard to me to decide. I'm going to place my spring clothes and items order soon, probably this evening. I'll order brown leather strap sandals but I can't decide which one of these would be best. Could you help me? I want the colour be 'camel'. You know that 'medium brown'?

Alternative 1. Price is 1980, so this is the cheapest one. It's also the highest, 12 cm heels. I really like those because they look pretty and disarming. But I'm worried that the strap behing heel may rub my heel and cause bleeding and hurtful blisters. I have had that problems with some shoes.

Alternative 2. Price of those is 2480 yen. Heel is 10 cm. I'm worrying that those shoes don't look so good from the front and don't look pretty but bold. I'm not sure if the strap on the front is too large. Is it? Otherwise I like the model of shoe a lot.

Alternative 3. This is also 2480 yen and heel is 11 cm. Yes, it's nice too but I would maybe like thicker straps more. Is there too much thin straps? I can't see well how it looks from the front.

That's it. Which one you would choose? I like those all a lot but still there's something little wrong in every one and something's better in the other shoe haha! It's so hard. I'll order other stuff to but you will see it later, ok! Thanks if you help me.

The song of day. So sad~

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