Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Disasters in Japan

I have never liked number 11. I found it very bizarre and unlucky number. When the year changed into 2011, I was very afraid that this year would be unlucky. In addition to that every month has 11th day. Usually people believe that Friday 13th are very unlucky. When I noticed that in this month the Friday will be 11th I was kinda fearful. Although I'm not very superstitious.

So what happened on Friday 11th March, 2011? I'm sure that everyone of you knows. Such a many horrible things have happened in Japan. An earthquake, tsunami and even nuclear disaster. It's feels so surreal but sadly it's very real and very true.

I can only wish that you who are in Japan and all your loved ones are allright. Luckily my acquaintances weren't near the disaster place so I didn't have to worry about them. But I can't even imagine how some people feel right now when they can't contact their beloved and don't know if they are OK.. I am myself pretty concerned. When my boyfriend goes out at nights and later I can't contact him, I always become so worried even if I shouldn't. Being worried is such a horrible feeling. So those people who can't contact their family or friends or anybody, must be feeling thousands of times worse, I think. I feel so so sorry for them.

I've been following news very intensively. Geography was my favourite subject in school so I found earthquakes and other natural disasters very interesting. But when seeing the news it makes me feel more sad than scientist. All those photos and videos of damages caused by tsunami are so terrible to watch. I don't now how to put on words how this whole situation makes me feel. So many people died and lost their homes.

Sendai before and after tsunami. Photo © Google, Digital Globe, GeoEye.

I just hope that more disasters won't happen and Japan will stay strong after this. But what we can do to help people in Japan? I donated via Paypal. This is very useful way to give your own help.

Please people donate!!!
If you have Paypal account you can donate HERE for different organizations. In the end of the page you can choose any amount you want to donate. If you don't have much money, you can donate small amounts like 5-10 dollars. Whole world should help now.


If you are in USA, you can donate $10 for American Red Cross by senging SMS message "REDCROSS" to number 90999.

I'm still afraid what might happen on 11th November, 2011...
But from now on, let's stay strong together and wish for better tomorrow.

And lastly I want to attach here the most beautiful song I know. Theme isn't related but I always listen to this song when having some hard times. It's such a beautiful and touching music.. Hope you like it ♥

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