Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

♡party time⌒♡+

Last time I finished my entry telling that we went clubbing last Wednesday (●´艸`)ヾ
I think nowadays I go clubbing too often, maybe should cut it down a bit haha?

First me, Tung, Jiachan and some other friends went to Jiachan's place
and we got ourselves ready (⌒・⌒)ゞ

My look

I'm definitely in love with Jiachan's curling iron (*/∇\*)
I have never gotten so good curls that fast!
The iron was so hot that it took only 3 seconds to curl one hair piece (*>▽<*)
So my whole head was done in less than 20 minutes
Usually it takes almost one hour to curl all my hair
Too bad that this curling iron was really expensive and it was that hot I burned my fingers so many times (oー_ーo)
Thanks to super hot curler and new hair products Jiachan gave me my curls lasted all night!!! (≧∇≦*)(*≧∇≦)

Jiachan and me

We two must be the worst camwhores in this world (〃⌒ー⌒〃)
But it's great when I have company and don't have to be a camwhore alone haha
I must have some kind of a disorder

With Tung who doesn't like camera at all (´д`)

So what happens when two camwhores meet? (*^o^*)

Clubbing outfit
Everything expect earrings, tights and bracelet were Jiachan's (((*´ε` *)
Because I didn't have any party clothes with me she borrowed me some

Jiachan's look!!ー゚。(*^▽^*)ゞ
She actually has platinum blonde hair but I think this black wig fits her perfectly!

In da club~
Although it was Wednesday, the athmosphere was better than for a while (〃'∇'〃)

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